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Have we mentioned mentions?

December 06, 2018

No one ever said that agriculture was a slow-paced industry.
(And if they did, they were mistaken)

ZENSIE is growing and evolving to keep up with growers’ needs. New customers are joining the platform daily, and we’re releasing new features and updates on a weekly basis. Thanks to the consistent input from our community, the ZENSIE platform has become much more than just a home for sensory data and analytics. It’s become a living, breathing resource bringing together a variety of live and historical data sources, empowering users to share insights and interact around them in real-time, wherever they are. They’re augmenting data, exchanging knowledge and preserving wisdom, ensuring that learnings from every previous harvests help optimise the following, and that current conditions help nip threats to crop health in the bud.

Communication around crops is key, and we’ve just made it easier.

Comments, images in comments and communication feeds make it easy to stay on top of the conversation surrounding crop needs, tasks and the flagging of pests or disease (to name a few).

With mentions, the conversation can be even more direct, directly alerting specific colleagues when you’ve got something to share.

Simply type @ to tag a colleague, and a list of names will appear. Select the people you want to mention directly, and they’ll be alerted to your comment. That’s all there is to it.


How can we help you digitise your cultivation process?
Analyse all kinds of information from different data sources such as climate computers, sensors and manual input in a central platform. Improve the production process of your crops, plants, seeds or bulbs together with advisors, distributors and researchers. We are happy to talk to you about which service model is most suitable for your company.

30MHz is typing… Our extended support team is ready to chat!

At 30MHz we think it’s important that our users can use our platform in an optimal way. At times you may have questions and you would like some help from our support team. Email and our support page filled with helpful articles were your go to’s. But we thought it was time for something extra… ...
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New 30MHz connect casing: How we protect your tech

To make sure your dataflow is fully protected, 30MHz introduces a new connect casing: waterproof, dust proof and even resistant to hits. This special shield will last longer and ensure a reliable dataflow from the connected sensor. What does that full protection mean? That’s what we will explain in this article. Watertight: resistant to wetness ...
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Meet-us in Berlin? – Fruit Logistica 5/6 February

5 & 6 February we’re at FRUIT LOGISTICA in Berlin. Lars & Sharon look forward to meet our clients, strengthen partnerships and explore new innovations. As part of NXTGEN Agrifood, we’re working on cutting-edge use cases that help growers leverage data for smarter decision-making. Whether you’re a grower, partner, or tech enthusiast we’re looking forward ...
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