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Irrigation growing kit

Efficient water & nutrient management for healthy plants

“The ability to reprogram our irrigation and nutrient dosing is priceless. If we get the substrate wrong for even one day then we stand to lose 20-30% of our yield. The 30MHz solution provides us with accurate EC and water content information from which we can take immediate action.” – Lee Peterson, technical manager Pinata Farms

Soil moisture and its availability to support plant growth is a primary factor in irrigation efficiency. Too little moisture can result in yield loss and plant damage. Too much causes root disease and wasted water.

With a simple setup of the moisture sensors that connect to the 30MHz platform, you can start to track moisture levels. Use the notification settings in the platform to set-up a treshold, so you receive an alert when crops are in need of irrigation. Soil moisture measurements provide the precision you need in order to apply the right amount of irrigation water at the right time.

Piñata Farms uses the EC and water content readings from the wireless moisture sensors to appropriately adjust its drip irrigation system and nutrient dosing.

Content of the Irrigation growing kit

Use this ready-to-go kit worry free for six months. Then return the kit or purchase it. 

  • 4x soil moisture sensors 6 months
    4x soil moisture sensors 6 months €1850
  • Gateway 6 months
    Gateway 6 months €399
  • Software 6 months
    Software 6 months €750
  • Package discount 10%
    Package discount 10% - €299
  • Total €2700
moisture-sensor-2-KLEIN square

4x Soil moisture sensor
Soil sensor for VWC, EC and soil temperature metrics. With a minimum of 4 sensors you can ensure uniformity within your Greenhouse or cover 1 valve area for full control. 

30MHz software
6 months access to the platform for live data insights, notifications & weather forecast.

Want to know more?

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