Wind Direction sensor
Wind Direction sensor
Have more control over the airflow in in your greenhouse
“When the health and quality of our product is at stake, it’s crucial that we have accurate data.”
Marcel Fit
Jan de Wit en Zonen
Flower bulbs
"The more we measure, the more we know and the better we can arrange our greenhouses."
Sander Berkers
Kwekerij Moors
Bell peppers
Collect real-time data on air flow in your greenhouse, storage units or workplace
Have more control over the airflow in in your greenhouse, storage units or workplace with the wind direction sensor. Use it alongside the 30MHz airflow sensor to determine how variables such as CO2, temperature and humidity affect wind direction. The sensor is also suitable for outdoor use.
>> Download the 30MHz Sensor Catalogue for pricing
>> Download the 30MHz Sensor Catalogue for pricing
A durable, wireless sensor designed for agricultural applications
Agricultural customers that work with us
“When the health and quality of our product is at stake, it’s crucial that we have accurate data.”
Jan de Wit en Zonen
Flower bulbs
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