30MHz working with partners to build a better future
Everyone has wants and needs – and as a customer, you want your supplier to understand what you’re looking for and use this information to improve its products and services. That’s just sound business logic, right? At 30MHz, that’s exactly how we do things. We find out what growers need and then work out how to make it happen.
30MHz is a fast-growing tech company that helps growers boost sustainability by optimizing their crops. Central to this process is the responsible use of energy, fertilizer, and water. Earth’s population is constantly increasing, but our planet has finite resources – which are being depleted by our growing population. We all bear a shared responsibility to use the resources we have as efficiently as we can so that our planet can continue to sustain us all in the future. That’s why we work closely with growers and knowledge partners, like Wageningen University & Research, to develop sustainable technological solutions that are both affordable and easy to implement.
Irrigation Management App
30MHz periodically launches new applications, which are set out in our roadmap. Our latest product is the Irrigation Management App, which aims to help growers reduce their water consumption, with the ultimate goal of ‘Saving Water Together’ – something that is incredibly important as water becomes an increasingly scarce resource in more places around the world.
The Irrigation Management App helps growers reduce consumption by ensuring that water is used efficiently. We use sensors to determine when the plant needs water, which not only saves water, but also prevents leaching and reduces the amount of fertilizer required.
Optimize your irrigation strategy
Too little moisture in the active root zone reduce yields, while excess soil moisture can cause mould and root rot, and wash away minerals.
The app shows you how much water is available in the soil for the plant.
User experiences inspire improvements
We constantly enhance the Irrigation Management App in partnership with growers. The solar panel that now forms part of the Irrigation Management Kit is just one example of an improvement we’ve made based on user experience.
For large plots without a power source, we developed a solar panel to power the sensors. The solar panel stores energy in a battery that can power the sensors for three days – sufficient to keep the sensors online and collecting data 24/7.
New units added
Another great example of an improvement made based on user feedback is the way the app displays the volume of irrigation water. Originally, the app showed volumes in liters per square meter. But many users reported that they had to convert these figures because their systems are based on volumes expressed in cubic meters. We’ve now added cubic meters to the app to further enhance the user experience.
The next steps on the roadmap
The next stop on our roadmap is the Fertigation App. With this solution, sensors measure the EC value, enabling growers to optimize their management of fertilizers in the soil and substrate. This means that the plants get the exact nutrients they need, producing savings for the grower and ensuring optimum growth. Developments in the pipeline for the future include solutions for optimizing plant health and protecting plants.
Irrigation Management Guide
Optimize your irrigation strategy by monitoring and managing soil or substrate moisture levels with the use of Moisture sensors, moisture thresholds, and irrigation alerts.
Gain control over the root zone environment by making measurements, observing trends over time, and using this information to make irrigation decisions.

30MHz is typing… Our extended support team is ready to chat!
At 30MHz we think it’s important that our users can use our platform in an optimal way. At times you may have questions and you would like some help from our support team. Email and our support page filled with helpful articles were your go to’s. But we thought it was time for something extra… ...Read more
New 30MHz connect casing: How we protect your tech
To make sure your dataflow is fully protected, 30MHz introduces a new connect casing: waterproof, dust proof and even resistant to hits. This special shield will last longer and ensure a reliable dataflow from the connected sensor. What does that full protection mean? That’s what we will explain in this article. Watertight: resistant to wetness ...Read more
Most popular sensors for your greenhouse
As a grower, you know that optimal crop development starts with precise monitoring of your cultivation environment. But how do you transform raw data into actionable insights for your crops? This is where our wireless sensors and the 30MHz platform come together. Our sensors measure essential variables such as VPD, dew point, moisture deficit, EC, ...Read more