Wengfong Nurseries
Cutting fertilizer costs and improving yields
Wengfong Nurseries, leading growers of Chrysanthemum cuttings based in the Cameron Highlands district of Malaysia and the biggest propagator in the country, upgraded from inaccurate handheld sensors and data-loggers (read: time wasted with manually taking measurements) to monitoring EC, VWC, temperature/humidity, and PAR (sunlight strength) remotely with 30MHz wireless sensing technology.
The results? More accurate data on crops and their environment, better use of employee time, increased crop quality, and 3,000 liters of fertilizers saved.
Wengfong has been using 30MHz technology since March, 2018 and is saving approximately $7.50 USD per day in fertilizer cost. In a year, Wengfong is expected to save approximately $2,780.95 USD on fertilizer– more than the nursery spent on smart sensing tech ($2,500 USD, including yearly software fee).
A complete return on investment (and then some) in less than a calendar year? Not too bad for a relatively new technology– if we do say so ourselves.