Sensory data, water deficit control and the challenges facing poinsettia growers: in conversation with Neil Bragg
Research from Volmary has confirmed that, without granular data, growers are overwatering their crops. Data has shown that, due to floor unevenness, there is significant variation in plant moisture in Poinsettia plants. Implementing water deficit control requires the flexibility of wireless sensors and live alerts to drive a proactive irrigation strategy. Neil Bragg is a ...Read more
Creating accurate sensors for agriculture
We have built all parts of the 30MHz platform ourselves. From the underlying cloud structure, the data platform with all analysis and consultation options, up to the sensor system that provides for that very data. The latter exists, as you may know, from a gateway, repeaters and the sensors you have chosen from our sensor ...Read more
We’re going to let our customers do the talking
It’s been a good year for 30MHz. And as we move into March, it seems like new deployments are, excuse the pun, cropping up every few days. We’ve met and learned from growers all over the world, and it’s been great to see them become a part of our (increasingly global) community. We’ve made no ...Read more
Visit our stand at Horticontact Gorinchem
On 19, 20, and 21 February 2019 we will be presenting the 30MHz Platform, including the dashboard and hardware portfolio at HortiContact, the biggest glasshouse horticulture summit in the Netherlands. Over 500 exhibitors will take part in this trade fair. The organization is expecting a visitor count of more than 17,000 growers and cultivators at ...Read more
Your data is ready for its close-up
Well, it’s the start of a new year and we’re already zoomin’ through product updates. First on the list: data zoom. You can never get too granular with data exploration, so to make things a bit more detailed and easy to explore, we’ve added a feature to let you dive further into a set of ...Read more
Allow us to (re-)introduce ourselves
These days, we meet many of our new customers via social media. We love that— it’s real, it’s conversational, and it’s to the point. When we ‘meet’ a new customer over social media, it means that something we’ve shared resonates, and we’ve clicked with a member of our extended community. That ‘something’ might be a ...Read more
Fine Tuning the components of IPM: a conversation with Fargro’s Ant Surrage
Ant Surrage is a technical development specialist at Fargro. We spoke with him about integrated pest management, the challenges facing greenhouse growers, and where technology — and most importantly, data — can help inform strategy and fight disease. What are the challenges growers face when developing an IPM strategy? Application uncertainty has been a ...Read more
Have we mentioned mentions?
No one ever said that agriculture was a slow-paced industry. (And if they did, they were mistaken) ZENSIE is growing and evolving to keep up with growers’ needs. New customers are joining the platform daily, and we’re releasing new features and updates on a weekly basis. Thanks to the consistent input from our community, the ...Read more
Sensory data makes pest management smarter, and more cost-effective
The 30MHz team is constantly discovering new applications of sensory data across horticulture and agriculture. Customers are using live and historical data— captured predominantly by wireless sensors— to make better decisions increasing productivity, reducing waste, refocusing and optimizing manpower, saving resources and improving yield quality. The 30MHz agri-data platform provides a quick and precise feedback ...Read more
Keep your agri-data on brand with customisable themes
There’s so many ways to work with 30MHz technology. Some of our customers use the ZENSIE platform to work across teams and locations within their agri-business. Others use ZENSIE to share certain data with partners and peers across the chain. Some use the platform to power their consultancies— sharing knowledge remotely in groups. Flexible data ...Read more