Newey Roundstone
Understanding and preventing pansy mottle syndrome
Newey Roundstone is one of the UK’s largest propagators and producers of protected ornamental plants. They lead the way in the introduction of innovative growing systems, mechanisation, technology and quality management systems. Using live data and collaboration features with 30MHz technology, the company is optimising environmental conditions and constantly improving its IPM strategy, including the understanding and prevention of pansy mottle syndrome.
“We’re seeing plant response on a continuous basis, monitoring leaf temperature (which we could never monitor before), VPD at crop-level, RH, AH, and HD. We can make changes to the environment with this kind of information. We can change when irrigation happens, change screen settings. Monitoring is helping us understand how to prevent loss: we’re understanding the stress that may cause pansy mottle syndrome in pansy production.” — Chris Need, Horitcultural Consultant
Read the two-part interview with Chris Need on fighting pansy mottle syndrome at Newey Roundstone here and here.