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5 best practices voor digitale tuinbouw in 2020

In het afgelopen decennium heeft de wereld een behoorlijke digitale transformatie doorgemaakt. En deze trend zet stevig door met de toenemende innovaties in alle sectoren, waaronder de tuinbouwsector. We geloven echter dat er op het gebied van digitale tuinbouw nog veel onbenutte mogelijkheden zijn. Wat is digital tuinbouw en waar begin je? We hebben 5 ...
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Dutch horticulture gets big compliment from David Attenborough

David Attenborough’s new film ‘A Life On Our Planet’ (that feels like his final tribute) just released on Netflix. In his film, he gives a big compliment to the Netherlands and the Dutch horticulture sector in particular. “Dutch farmers have become experts in getting the most out of every hectare. Increasingly, they’re doing so sustainably,” ...
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Next steps in digitisation for Delphy

Data platform supplier 30MHz and research and consultancy company Delphy have entered into a partnership. In addition, Delphy uses the data platform as an analysis tool among its consultants and researchers while at the same time co-developing cultivation-related applications. These in turn will be available to all users of the platform in an app store-like ...
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Did you already add these ten horticulture influencers to your feed?

The world has changed completely in recent months. And especially the way in which people communicate with each other. It has been almost completely digitised, and that has a major impact on daily life. Online (social) media are more than ever the place to start a conversation. For example, to catch up on the latest ...
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The (r)evolution of digital horticulture

Technology and the greenhouse. In 2020 it’s an inseparable whole, but of course, that has not always been the case. To understand how horticulture in the Netherlands has been able to conquer such an incredibly strong position in the world market, it is good to understand its history. And what role does digitisation play in ...
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Webinar: how O2 and photosynthesis influence your cultivation

In this webinar, Aryan Aziezie will bring you up to speed on the Sendot sensor portfolio and the insights their optical sensor technology provides. Sendot has seen some significant results when it comes to capturing O2 and photosynthesis data. Resulting in more efficiency improved production numbers and better allocation of resources. Aziezie will also show ...
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From scale-up to full-fledged company

30MHz has grown considerably in recent years. We have become a stable and reliable player in the horticultural sector. As a small start-up, we built the first foundations of our current data platform in 2015. Such as the cloud structures needed to store large amounts of crop data and make them available for analysis. Even ...
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By its fruit you will get knowledge of the platform

Horticulture has started to digitise. More and more companies are implementing technologies that make it possible to organise time-consuming processes more efficiently. It is of course not unimportant that this technology increasingly ensures that fewer costs are incurred and that higher output is realised. After all, the average grower looks at the returns on investments ...
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Webinar – Sustainable cultivation in horticulture

The Netherlands is considered worldwide as the example of knowledge and innovation in horticultural production, raw materials and food. It is the ideal testing ground to develop new solutions and export them to locations with different climate and market conditions. Rabobank recently published a report that describes what growers can do to reduce the use ...
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Cultivation variables explained: growing degree units

In this blog, we would like to tell you something about growing degree units (GDH / GDD). The reason we added this to our dashboard is that during a lot of conversations our users often ask for this. Degree hour insights are used to pro-actively control cultivation. Growers however indicate that the calculation is time-consuming ...
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