Wouter van de Wetering
Position: Account manager
Short introduction
I am adventurous and love changes in life. In my spare time I like to cycle. I prefer to cycle across Europe. Besides cycling, kitesurfing is the sport that I like too. I also love to invite friends at home and to cook for them.
What’s your background?
I have experience in the trade of food ingredients. I have already traded large quantities of food ingredients starches, sweeteners and proteins. Within this sector I have often been responsible for the South American market. I see overlap between the horticultural sector and the trade in food ingredients. In both sectors, feeling and knowledge play an important role and there is also a lot of room to grow when it comes to digitization and the use of data. Data and digitization seem to conflict with working on the basis of feeling and knowledge. The challenge for me is to see how data and digitization can complement knowledge and feelings that form the basis.
Why your choice for 30MHz and the horticultural sector?
It was very clear to me that I wanted to work for a company that wants to make a positive impact on society. I see that reflected in 30MHz. The horticultural sector appeals to me because this sector occupies an important place in the food chain and faces major challenges due to climate change.
What in this position gives you energy?
Learning to understand the horticultural sector that is new to me and what the customers in this sector need to make an impact that is positive for the grower, the consumer and the environment.
What do you find important in contact with relations and customers?
For me, the relationship with a client is perfect when we feel like we are a team and understand each other. To form a team is that we communicate openly, clearly and honestly and have respect for each other.
Meet Wouter
If you would like to meet Wouter personally, please leave your details.